We received a mail from South Africa! The kids are highly motivated and now got their own awesome Headis table!!

We received a mail from South Africa! The kids are highly motivated and now got their own awesome Headis table!!
As we heard of the “Ethno-Pop Festival der Kulturen” in K-Town we just grabbed the phone and set our appearence there! Thomas and Metz took a table and drove about one minute over and started playing with the kids. Some of the kids are refugees or socially disadvanted so it was a great pleasure for us to be part of the Festival!
14.800 Km seperate Kaiserslautern and Port Elizabeth. At the end of march we went there to build four Headis tables at four schools. The trip characetrized by minor obstacles and major excitement!
This term is part of all our Headição trips. This year the host of our apartment told us directly at our arrival that rain barrels are very hard to find in South Africa. So we changed the timetable, ordered some rain barrels and managed the new situation.
Table tennis tables need more than just rain barrels so in the meantime we started drilling holes and laminating the wood. Some of the schools didn’t have electricity so we had to prepare everything in our apartment! We had big plans and at the end of the week of course everything worked out! This time we even were in a country where more than one of us was able to speak the local language!
Bilder: Der Brecher
The team spirit of the Headição makes these trips so special! The owner of our apartment was called Fred und helped us a lot! Fred was a big Fan of Headição since we tole him about our project at our arrival. After telling us about the problem of getting rain barrels he helped us to find a solution for this problem. Just on the next day he drove us to a special plastic store to order some barrels. This has probably saved us from traipsing around the whole city!
Headição is based on this solidariy und every single Euro donated shows the love to this project!
The most important thing about Headição is to spread the fun playing Headis as a collective. All those smiling kids once more showed us that this project is the perfect way for us to make that happen. The joy that is brouht to us by the kids makes every trip unforgettable. Our partner in charity Carl Kenz also contributes the fullfil this goal. The joy that is getting back to us is so special every time. Just read what Kenz has to say: As I was alsmost done with my artwork, a surreal humoristc peace sign incl the Nelson Mandela quote “It always seems impossible until it’s done”, the kids had a break an suddenly there was nothing but party! 300 kids were dancing around me and celebrating the painting! I never witnessed something comparable! A unique experience for my and one more reason to keep going!”
On our trip we met a lot of people and got a lot of support. The boys and girls of „weltwärts“ will supervise Headis in the future. They already had the idea of organising a tournament for all four schools. Already during our fligh back home we received the first pictures of kids playing! That’s the spirit we want to spread around the world! Thanks to everybody who supports us!
Our guy Carl Kenz says: “Another highlight at the Charles Duna school were kids screaming “KENZ KENZ KENZ” on our last day after I finished the artwork. So far I only saw something like that at huge concerts and to be honest in such a moment you feel somehow small, surreal, goosebumps deluxe…”!
There is nothing left to be added!
We just arrived back home and already got the first videos from Port Elizabeth!
Unisport Kaiserslautern one of the first ones that put Headis to a students sports programm. As we asked them to be part of Headição three years ago they were in right away. Today there are three Headição deposit tons on the Unisport area and lots of deposit got donated for Headição!
Thanks for your support!
Since the very beginning the Lions Club Kaiserslautern-Lutra supports us! Once again 500 € go directly into material to build Headis Tables. The Lions Club encourages cultural, and social initiatives around the world. Now even at four schools in Port Elizabeth! Thanks for the support!
Two weeks ago we showed you our Headição Project 2017 in general. Currently the guys are in Port Elizabeth and get going!
A good time to introduce weltwärts to you. It is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Developement. Since 2008 young adults from 18 to 28 can participate actively as a volunteer in different projects. Some do a voluntary year in the sports section. We think that’s great! Here you find helpful information about the possibilities to participate!
Thanks again to weltwärts for the cooperation and to the Headis player Spiff for the initiatve!
René not only invented Headis he also initiatied Headição! The idea for a Headis Chariy is quite old and in 2013 we finally were ready to realise it! If the team comes up with funny, crazy or dangerous ideas. Potter always makes it happen! #SharkTank. Here you can see his cruel Judo Fight and his graceful figureskating with Tanja Szewczenko again!
His functing during our Headição stay in Port Elizabeth:
We will be in four schools to build Headis Tables and give Headis Workshops. René as always will build every single table with the help of the residents and afterwords he will tell the kids how to play Headis and show the teachers how to keep on playing and organise Headis in the future.
Pics: Der Brecher
Eric aka Die Metz is a Headis player that donates his spare time to support Headição! Besides helping Headição he is pushing the new Start up called HesherBall. We can already tell that it is incredible how much fun you can have with two balls! 😀 – Don’t worry you will get to know about it very soon!
His functing during our Headição stay in Port Elizabeth:
Before the trip he organised the different stays at the schools und his main job in South Africa will be building the tables and give workshops to the kids!
Der Brecher was one of the very first Headis players and pushed the sport a lot in the very beginning! So he agreed on being part of Headição right away! The original Headição Design came by him and all the Headição photos and videos that are spread around the World are coming from him!
His functing during our Headição stay in Port Elizabeth:
Most of the time he will be ready to take more of his great photos the whole time. In the meantime he of course also gives the guys a hand when it comes to building the Headis tables! Check out some of his impressive pictures from our stays in Bazil and the Dominican Republic!