For the new Würth-branch in Kaiserslautern there was a nice opening ceremony. For this occasion we brought a beautiful table labled with Würth & Headição. The Headis join-in-acitivity was lots of fun for the visitors and we saw some nice action.
For the new Würth-branch in Kaiserslautern there was a nice opening ceremony. For this occasion we brought a beautiful table labled with Würth & Headição. The Headis join-in-acitivity was lots of fun for the visitors and we saw some nice action.
This incredible outdoor table was donated to the Jugendförderverein Kaiserslautern Nord and now will be placed in the Naturfreibad Otterberg, so lots of kids and young adults have access to the table. The opening ceremony also had a nice tombola and the proceeds were entirely donated to Headição by the Würth GmbH. Thanks a lot!
“Handing out the table to its final location”
v.l.n.r.: René Wegner (Headicao), Philpp Maier (Niederlassungsleiter Würth), Eric Meiser (Headicao), Babak Hadizadeh (Würth), Gabriel Stahl (Trainer A-Jugend JfV Kaiserslautern Nord), Michael Chlipko, Armin Jansa (Spieler A-Jugend JfV), Richard Schady (Fan), Aron Schady (Spieler A-Jugend JfV), Martina Stein (Bürgermeisterin Stadt Otterberg), Matthias Wolf (Vorsitzender JfV), Timo Günther (Vorsitzender SV Otterberg), Sven Jung (Vorsitzender JfV)